Git Push with Docker Image Tags

In modern software development, versioning is critical for maintaining consistency across different stages of an application’s lifecycle. When dealing with containerized applications, Docker enables you to package applications along with their dependencies, while Git allows you to track changes in your code. Combining Git and Docker ensures that the same version of an application is deployed across different environments. One powerful way to integrate these tools is by tagging Docker images with Git commit hashes or release versions. This practice provides a reliable way to trace a Docker image back to its source code.

In this blog, we’ll explore why and how to use Git commit hashes or version tags with Docker images, along with best practices for managing the lifecycle of containerized applications.

1. Why Tag Docker Images with Git Commit Hashes?

Tagging Docker images with Git commit hashes ensures that every containerized application version can be tied back to a specific state in your source code. Here’s why it’s beneficial:

  • Traceability: If you need to debug or fix an issue in a running container, you can quickly locate the exact code version used to build the image.
  • Consistency: It guarantees that the same code version is being deployed across different environments, reducing the risk of discrepancies.
  • Collaboration: Team members can easily coordinate which version of the code is used for specific Docker images in a shared registry.
  • Rollback Capabilities: If a bug is introduced, you can easily revert to a previous Docker image tied to a stable Git commit.

By using Git commit hashes as Docker tags, you add an extra layer of clarity and reliability to your development pipeline.

2. Tagging Docker Images with Git Commit Hashes

Let’s walk through the steps of building and tagging a Docker image with a Git commit hash.

Step 1: Get the Short Git Commit Hash

In your repository, you can retrieve the short version of the current Git commit hash using the following command:

git rev-parse --short HEAD

This will return a short string (e.g., a1b2c3d) representing the current commit hash.

Step 2: Build the Docker Image with the Git Commit Hash

Next, use the retrieved Git commit hash to tag your Docker image when building it. Here’s an example:

docker build -t myapp:$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) .

In this example, the Docker image myapp is tagged with the short Git commit hash, making it easy to trace back to the specific code version used to create the image.

Step 3: Push the Tagged Docker Image to a Registry

Once the image is built and tagged, you can push it to your Docker registry (e.g., Docker Hub or AWS ECR) for deployment:

docker push myapp:$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)

By pushing the image with a unique tag for each commit, you ensure that different versions of your containerized application can coexist in the registry, providing flexibility in deployment and rollback scenarios.

3. Using Git Tags for Release Versions

While tagging Docker images with Git commit hashes is useful for tracing development versions, using Git tags for release versions provides a cleaner way to manage production-ready images.

Step 1: Create a Git Tag

You can create a Git tag when you’re ready to release a new version of your application:

git tag v1.0.0

This tag marks the commit that corresponds to the v1.0.0 release.

Step 2: Build and Tag the Docker Image with the Git Tag

You can now build your Docker image and tag it with the release version:

docker build -t myapp:v1.0.0 .

This ensures that your Docker image is tagged with a meaningful release version, making it easier to track production deployments.

Step 3: Push the Tagged Docker Image

Just like before, push the tagged Docker image to your registry:

docker push myapp:v1.0.0

This tagged image is now ready for production deployment and can be easily identified and referenced in deployment pipelines.

4. Best Practices for Managing Docker Image Tags with Git

Here are some best practices to follow when tagging Docker images with Git:

  • Automate Image Tagging in CI/CD Pipelines: Incorporate Git commit hashes or tags in your continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to ensure every build is traceable.
  • Use Both Commit Hashes and Version Tags: While commit hashes help during development, version tags offer more clarity for production deployments. It’s a good idea to use both when appropriate.
  • Avoid Using ‘Latest’ Tag in Production: The latest tag can lead to confusion and inconsistencies in production environments. Always use explicit version tags to ensure that you know exactly which version of the application is running.
  • Clean Up Old Docker Images: Over time, your registry will accumulate many Docker images. Regularly clean up older, unused images to free up space and reduce complexity.

5. Rolling Back with Docker Image Tags

One of the greatest advantages of tagging Docker images with Git commit hashes or version tags is the ability to roll back easily when something goes wrong.

For example, if a recent deployment is buggy, you can revert to a previous version like this:

docker run -d -p 8080:80 myapp:v1.0.0

By specifying the Docker image tagged with a known stable version (v1.0.0), you can quickly restore your application to a working state.


Tagging Docker images with Git commit hashes and version tags is a simple but powerful practice that ensures traceability, consistency, and clarity in your deployment pipeline. By integrating Git into your Docker workflow, you can manage containerized applications more effectively and confidently. Whether you’re tracking development changes or managing production releases, combining Git and Docker with thoughtful tagging practices will help streamline your application lifecycle management.

Vijeesh TP

Proactive and result oriented professional with proven ability to work as a good team player towards organizational goals and having 20+ years of experience in design and development of complex systems and business solutions for domains such as ecommerce, hospitality BFSI, ITIL and other web based information systems.  Linkedin Profile

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