Understanding Hash Collisions: How They Occur and How to Handle Them


Hash tables are a powerful data structure widely used in software development for efficiently storing and retrieving data. They work by using a hash function to convert input data (keys) into an index where the value associated with the key is stored. While hash tables offer O(1) average time complexity for operations like insertion and search, they come with a common challenge: hash collisions.

In this blog, we’ll dive into what hash collisions are, how they occur, and the techniques used to handle them effectively.

1. What is a Hash Function?

A hash function takes input data (called a key) and produces a fixed-size integer, usually an index, that corresponds to a location in the hash table. Ideally, each unique key would map to a unique index, but in practice, two different keys can sometimes produce the same index. This scenario is known as a hash collision.

  • Properties of a Good Hash Function:
  • Deterministic: The same key should always produce the same hash value.
  • Uniformity: Hash values should be uniformly distributed to minimize collisions.
  • Efficiency: Hash function computation should be fast.
  • Low Collision Probability: The function should minimize the chance of collisions.

2. What is a Hash Collision?

A hash collision occurs when two different keys are assigned the same hash value, meaning they map to the same index in the hash table. Since each index should ideally store only one value, collisions can lead to incorrect data retrieval or overwriting.

Let’s say you have two different keys, key1 and key2, and both keys are processed by the hash function to produce the same index, say index 0. Now, both key1 and key2 want to store their values at index 0, leading to a conflict, or hash collision.

3. Causes of Hash Collisions

  • Limited Table Size: The size of the hash table is finite, so as more keys are inserted, the likelihood of collisions increases.
  • Poorly Designed Hash Function: A hash function that does not distribute values uniformly will result in more collisions.
  • Pigeonhole Principle: In a scenario where there are more potential keys than available indices (buckets), some keys are bound to collide.

4. Techniques for Handling Hash Collisions

There are several ways to handle hash collisions. The goal is to ensure that data can still be stored and retrieved efficiently even when collisions occur.

4.1. Separate Chaining (Open Hashing)

In separate chaining, each index of the hash table points to a linked list (or another data structure like a tree) containing all the keys that hash to the same index.

  • How it works:
  • When a collision occurs, the new key is added to the list at that index.
  • When retrieving a value, the hash table searches through the linked list to find the key.
  • Advantages:
  • Simple to implement.
  • The hash table can dynamically grow since each index can store multiple values.
  • Disadvantages:
  • Linked lists can lead to increased time complexity (O(n)) in the worst case if many collisions occur.
  • Memory overhead due to pointers in the linked list.

4.2. Open Addressing (Closed Hashing)

In open addressing, when a collision occurs, the algorithm searches for another open index within the hash table itself to store the value.

  • How it works:
  • If a collision happens, the algorithm probes the table to find the next available spot.
  • There are several probing techniques:
    • Linear Probing: Increment the index by 1 until an empty slot is found.
    • Quadratic Probing: Use a quadratic function to find the next available slot.
    • Double Hashing: Use a second hash function to determine the next index for probing.
  • Advantages:
  • Requires less memory overhead compared to separate chaining.
  • Keeps all data within the hash table, improving cache locality.
  • Disadvantages:
  • Clustering can occur in linear probing, where multiple consecutive slots are filled, leading to performance degradation.
  • May require rehashing (increasing table size) when the table becomes too full.

4.3. Cuckoo Hashing

Cuckoo hashing uses two hash functions and two hash tables. When a collision occurs, the existing element is displaced (kicked out) to another table, using the second hash function to determine its new position.

  • How it works:
  • Insert a new key using the first hash function.
  • If the spot is already taken, move the old key to the other table using the second hash function.
  • Repeat the process for the displaced key.
  • Advantages:
  • Guarantees constant-time lookup in the worst case.
  • Reduces clustering issues present in open addressing.
  • Disadvantages:
  • May require rehashing when too many displacements occur.
  • Slightly more complex to implement.

4.4. Double Hashing

Double hashing uses two different hash functions. If the first hash function results in a collision, the second hash function determines the step size to find the next open index.

  • How it works:
  • If a collision occurs at an index, use the second hash function to calculate the next position.
  • Continue this process until an empty spot is found.
  • Advantages:
  • Reduces clustering compared to linear probing.
  • Ensures more even distribution across the table.
  • Disadvantages:
  • More complex than linear probing or quadratic probing.
  • Requires careful selection of two hash functions to minimize secondary collisions.

5. Best Practices to Minimize Collisions

  • Use a Good Hash Function: A well-designed hash function should distribute values uniformly across the table.
  • Resize the Hash Table: To reduce the load factor (number of keys relative to table size), dynamically resize the table as more elements are inserted.
  • Load Factor Thresholds: Many hash table implementations automatically resize the table when the load factor exceeds a certain threshold, typically around 0.7.


While hash collisions are an inherent challenge in hash tables, various techniques can effectively handle them. Whether through separate chaining, open addressing, or more advanced methods like cuckoo hashing, the key is to minimize the impact of collisions on performance and data integrity. By understanding how collisions occur and implementing the appropriate strategies, developers can leverage hash tables to their full potential.

Vijeesh TP

Proactive and result oriented professional with proven ability to work as a good team player towards organizational goals and having 20+ years of experience in design and development of complex systems and business solutions for domains such as ecommerce, hospitality BFSI, ITIL and other web based information systems.  Linkedin Profile

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